The long winter night is approaching, its dark cloak offering protection and comfort.
Usually not the season for insect sighting.
But please take a closer look.
Fabric remnants from your best-loved NUIT Clothing Atelier garments have arrived on my work table in Lyon, France, for these collaborative pieces.
In line with NUIT’s policies of minimal waste, conscious design practices, and our own mission to create using luxurious leftover textiles, these fabrics from Toronto have been layered, assembled, sewn and embroidered, the tiniest piece put to use to bring to life a series of silkmoth brooches, just for you.
Product Description:
The black Luna moth, available in two versions.
All Black: layers of black, long, long tails, furry sheep’s wool body, and black feathery antennae. Wings are cut from black cotton gauze, layered with black linen, black details are machine and hand embroidered.
Black & White: wings in layers of black gauze and black linen, long, long tails, contrasting white body in faux fur, white feathery antennae. Wing details machine embroidered in variegated black and white embroidery thread.
Light yet sturdy brooches with clasp on the underside. Delivered in a hand-sewn drawstring bag.
Wingspan 5 inches (13cm) length, 5.5 inches (14cm).
Allow a Luna moth to alight on your shoulder, settle on your sleeve, rest awhile on your cloak.
Nocturnal creatures that graced your summer nights are ready to accompany you throughout the winter.
Made to order. Please allow 5-8 working days for us to make your moth.